Outpatient Imaging Service Case Study
Miracle Testimonials

Roscoe, a 9-month-old Rottweiler, presented to his primary veterinarian when his owner noticed a strange breathing pattern. Upon presentation, Roscoe seemed to be breathing normally but the owners agreed to radiographs to be sure. While obtaining x-rays, Roscoe’s unusual breathing pattern started again. Radiologist interpretation alluded to cardiogenic changes that resulted in fluid buildup in the lungs. To further investigate this, an echocardiogram needed to be performed and Roscoe was placed on oxygen therapy. He was then referred to Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital’s teleradiology service for an echocardiogram, performed by Dr. Brock Lofgreen and interpreted by a board-certified veterinary cardiologist. The specialist in cardiology provided a detailed report on the imaging, along with a diagnosis and treatment plan, including medication. In this case, Roscoe was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy.
Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital offers a variety of outpatient imaging services. We partner with area veterinarians as an extension of care and our goal is to return imaging patients to their regular veterinarians for continued care.